You can always make a major difference in someone's life and your community.
Step-by-step explanation:
In any community, there are many ways and types of people that can help bring and make a difference. It may be good or bad depending on the person and how you yourself view them. In a community you have all different walks of life. For example (Race/ culture/ ethnicty) These things all have a major impact on how they or you can make a diffence in your community. How you wonder? Well they may know thing that you dont and they may over the years even become your friends. Other races might speak different than you and, dress different. All of these things will shape a community and make the difference. Sometimes when new races or other cultures come into the community they make a impact on how people may feel or even act different. People may not like the change or they may it's all about how your community responds to it. Your community may be missing a few things that they new people have came along and brought to the community.