1. pagar el abrigo con la tarjeta de crédito
PREGUNTA ¿Pagaste el abrigo con la tarjeta de crédito?
RESPUESTA Si, lo pagué con tarjeta de crédito
2. jugar al tenis
PREGUNTA ¿Jugaste al tenis?
RESPUESTA Sí, jugué al tenis.
3. buscar un libro en la biblioteca
PREGUNTA ¿Buscaste un libro en la biblioteca?
RESPUESTA Sí, busqué un libro en la biblioteca.
Step-by-step explanation:
In this activity we have to form questions and answers in the preterite tense using the statements provided. The sentences, questions and answers in English are:
1. Paying the coat with a credit card
Question: Did you pay for the coat with a credit card?
Answer: Yes, I paid for it with a credit card.
2. Playing tennis
Question: Did ou play tennis?
Answer: Yes, I played tennis
3. Looking for a book in the library
Question: Did you look for a book in the library?
Answer: Yes, I looked for a book in the library.