plant cell undergoing cytokinesis.
Step-by-step explanation:
The process whereby the cytoplasm of a dividing parent cell divided to give two daughter cells is called Cytokinesis. It begins with the formation of deep furrow at Anaphase in animal cells and as preprophase band at Prophase in plant cells. It terminate at Telophase of the two cell divisions.
Generally Cytokineses begins when the preprophase band (microtubules + cytoskeleton) is wound around the parent cell at prophase, The bands indicated the position of the cell plate at the equator of the dividing parent cell, and disintegrate before metaphase.
At Anapahse the Cell plate forms the middle lamella separating the eventual two daughter- plant cells. On each side of the middle lamella, structural materials which forms the secondary and primary walls of the new plants cells were also deposited, and this aids the separations of the two plant cells at the end of Telophase..