1. Este hombre era una persona preparada para los cambios. cierto falso
2. Para algunos compañeros de trabajo, la computadora era un avance tecnológico sorprendente. cierto falso
3. El hombre se sintió invadido y amenazado por la computadora. cierto falso
4. El hombre no demostró en público cuánto le dolió ser despedido. cierto falso
5. La empresa empezó a modernizar su sistema de trabajo. cierto falso
6. El hombre admiró la computadora cuando llegó. cierto falso
Step-by-step explanation:
In this activity we have to answer whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE, based on "La Intrusa", a short story of a computer taking over the jobs of people.
The statements in English are:
1. This man was a person prepared for changes. TRUE FALSE
He was not prepared for the arrival of the computer
2. For some of the coworkers, the computer was an amazing technological advance. TRUE FALSE
3. The man felt invaded and threatened by the computer. TRUE FALSE
4. The man didn't express publicly how much it hurt to be fired. TRUE FALSE. He did publically express his unhappiness
5. The company began to modernize their work system. TRUE FALSE
6. The man admired the computer when it arrived. TRUE FALSE He didn´t admire it but felt threatened and anxious about it.