Answer for the question:
Name two entities that you can think of in the described Quiz Management System below: Suppose that you develop a new separate and independent Quiz Management System for CSCI 359. The instructor and the students will be the user of this system. TAMUC e-mail server and SKYPE are two external systems this system will interact with. The instructor selects a date and time for a Quiz; prepares a sample set of questions and e-mail them to each student. The instructor uses SKYPE and calls each student for text chat exactly at the scheduled date and time. The called student needs to respond. The instructor and the called student chats: the instructor asks one question at a time and the student answers each question. This exchange continues until the instructor decides to end the questions. At the end, the instructor sends his evaluation to the student and the chat ends.
is given in the attachment.
Step-by-step explanation: