1 balkanization 2 colonization 3 cultural mosaic 4 cultural diffusion
5 cultural convergence 6 cultural divergence 7 etnic cleansing 8 geopolitics
Step-by-step explanation:
1. This is what happened in former Yugoslavia.
2. This is what happened in large parts of the world from the moment European nations wanted to enlarge their empires.
3. Nowadays we all live in a cultural mosaic where there is cultural interaction all the time.
4. Adopting traits of another culture is a way of diffusing culture.
5. & 6. Converging is reducing social differences; divergence is to accentuate the (cultural) differences.
7. The Hutu´s and Tutsi´s for example.
8. Geopolitics is, like the word itself makes clear, the link between Geography and Politics.