The hasty withdrawal of colonial powers from the region resulted in chaos as the locals were not prepared for independence. They were left to deal with arbitrary issues on their own borders, underdeveloped infrastructure, economic exploitation, ethnic and racial divisions, and dependence on raw material production. That is why the political systems were rather non-liberal.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The case of Congo best illustrates how colonialism has completely failed in creating the conditions for independence and self-government. Belgium had no plans for independence of its biggest and most important colonies.
- They prevented the creation of an educated domestic elite in fear of becoming a source of political rebellion. Another aggravating circumstance at the time of African decolonization was the relocation of political forces globally and the escalation of tensions between the two former war allies - the United States and the USSR, the so-called Cold War.
- New political elites in Africa have been 'entangled' in the East-West conflict, further complicating the process of post-colonial development.