Support and defend the Constitution. Stay aware and informed about the issues affecting your community. Participate in the democratic process. Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws. Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.
Responsibilities of a citizen: Always be ready to move on in emergency period to save your own country. Pay the income tax and other taxes at right time.
Step-by-step explanation:
Duty means the thing that you must to do whereas responsibilities means your moral ethics that implies I should do it. Your own feelings. Citizen's have ten fundamental duties according to Indian constitution and various rights with it. Right to education, right to stand against exploitation etc. Right to information is another one important act.
Responsibilities includes person's own thinking that what he should do or not. Suppose in front of a person an accident took place. He should come forward and stretch his helping hand towards the victim to save his life. It's an example of responsibility.