Evidence suggests that there is a relationship between ancient dinosaurs and modern birds throughout time each occurrence of a Nutri most likely resulted from mutation of genes.
Option: A
Step-by-step explanation:
Out of the race of two-legged dinosaurs recognized as theropods the modern birds have been evolved, tenuously related to avians, generally their weight range from 100 to 500 pounds. This predicts the gigantic relative to most modern birds and they had big snouts, wide teeth, and not much between the ears. A velociraptor, for instance had a skull, like the one of a coyote and a brain about the size of a pigeon.
The premaxillary bones were recognized as two bones, which resulted into a beak in modern birds due to process of fusion. This arrangement is somewhat different from that of alligators, dinosaurs, ancient birds and rest other vertebrates, in which those two bones remained isolated, forming the beak. The investigators plotted the expression of two genes that are expressed in such bones in a variety of animals to determine how this transition could have occurred.