- buoyant force
- largest: liquid soap
- smallest: vegetable oil
- densest liquid produces the most buoyant force
Step-by-step explanation:
Force Acting
When an object is submerged in a medium, it is subjected to a buoyant force equivalent to the force of gravity on the mass of the medium displaced. Thus, the force is greater if the mass of the medium is greater for a given displacement. More simply, the denser the medium, the greater the buoyant force.
Ranking of Forces
We have observed that vegetable oil floats on water, and that liquid soap sinks in water. This tells us that oil has a lower relative density than water or liquid soap, and that liquid soap has the highest density of these media.
Liquid soap is the most dense of the three liquids, so will produce the most buoyant force.
Vegetable oil is the least dense of the three liquids, so will produce the least buoyant force.