You are tasked to use the same positive integers from Part A to also compute: h = f/g; i = (f+g) MOD h_quotient; More formally, write MIPS code to output the result of above expression of h and i without using any built-in MIPS/MARS instructions for multiplication or division. The values already entered for Part A for a, b, c, and d shall be used. Output the value of h and i in {quotient with remainder} in a format as separate decimal integers. Indicate the denominator for the remainder. To receive credit, no multiplication, no division, and no shift instructions shall be used. Namely, do not use any of {mul, mul.d, mul.s, mulo, mulou, mult, multu, mulu, div, divu, rem, sll, sllv, sra, srav, srl, srlv}. The goal is to compose your own division technique. In addition, use of a loop is required for credit to realize the division code. It is part of the project points to design a way to realize division using a loop. Do not use of Macro, Subroutines, or Functions in this project. You can refer to the definition of division and how division works. For example, given a positive integer X, and a positive integer Y where X>Y then the division X/Y is computed such that unique integers Q and R satisify X=( Y * Q + R) where 0 ≤ R < Y. The value Q is called the quotient and R is called the remainder. Some examples are: {X = 7, Y = 2} then 7 = 2 * 3 + 1 so Q=3 and R=1 {X = 8, Y = 4} then 8 = 4 * 2 + 0 so Q=2 and R=0 {X = 13, Y = 5} then 13 = 5 * 2 + 3 so Q=2 and R=3
Sample output for Part B is:
f_ten = 49026
g_ten = 13122
h_quotient = 3
h_remainder = 9660
i_mod = 0
Please, may I have the c-language version of this program. I already solved it in MIPS language and it works.
thank you:
#declare the variables
f: .word 49026
g: .word 13122
#Result display messages
f_ten: .asciiz "f_ten = "
g_ten: .asciiz "g_ten = "
h_quotient: .asciiz "h_quotient = "
h_remainder: .asciiz "h_remainder = "
i_mod: .asciiz "i_mod = "
newLine: .asciiz "\\"
#text section
lw $s0,f #assign the value of f to $s0
li $v0,4 #print the string f_ten
la $a0, f_ten
li $v0,1 #print the value of f_ten
move $a0,$s0
li $v0,4 #print a new line
la $a0, newLine
lw $s1,g #assign the value of g to $s1
li $v0,4 #print the string g_ten
la $a0, g_ten
li $v0,1 #print the value of g
move $a0,$s1
li $v0,4
la $a0, newLine #print a new line
#find f+g and store in s2 register
add $s2,$s0,$s1
#assign the registers t0 and t1 with 0 for quotient and remainder
li $t0,0
li $t1,0
#loop for finding division f/g
#if $s0 is less than or equal to zero go to nextComp
ble $s0,0,next
sub $s0,$s0,$s1 # $s0 = f-g
move $t1,$s0 #store value of s0 to get the remainder.
addi $t0,$t0,1 #increment the value of $t0 to get the quotient
j findDivision
beq $s0,0,printDivision
addi $t0,$t0,-1 #decrement the value $t0 by 1
add $t1,$s0,$s1 #add s0 and s1
#Prints the values of qoutient and remainder in f/g
#print the string h_quotient
li $v0,4
la $a0,h_quotient
#print the value $t0
li $v0,1
move $a0,$t0
#print a new line
li $v0,4
la $a0, newLine
#print the string h_remainder
li $v0,4
la $a0, h_remainder
#print the vale $t0 (h_remainder)
li $v0,1
move $a0,$t1
#assign $t1 to 0 for mod calculation
li $t1,0
#Subtraction use to find mode
#if s2 value is less than equal to 0, then go to nextMod
ble $s2,0,nextMod
sub $s2,$s2,$t0 # s2 = s2-t0
move $t1,$s2 #store the value of $s2 in $t1
j calculateMod
#if negative then add
beq $s2,0,displayMod
add $t1,$t1,$s2
#displays the value of mod
#print a new line
li $v0,4
la $a0, newLine
#print the string i_mod
li $v0,4
la $a0,i_mod
#print the value of $t1 (i_mod)
li $v0,1
move $a0,$t1
#end of the program
li $v0,10