The patient's diagnosis is PULMONARY EMBOLISM.
A condition in which one or more arteries in the lungs get blocked by a blood clot.
Risk factors;
The risk factors for pulmonary embolism are;
Obesity/overweight, pregnancy/puerperium,taking hormonal drugs like oral contraceptives,smoking,certain disease conditions like stroke, chronic heat disease/high blood pressure,having a surgery (post surgery) or broken bone.(injury/fracture).
Following any of the above cause/risk factor,blood clot will be formed in a deep vein in the leg,the clot travels to the lungs get lodged in a similar lung artery, pulmonary vascular occlusion occurs impairing gas exchange and the pulmonary artery systolic pressure increases,right ventricular afterload increases leading to right ventricular failure.
Changes in ventilation/perfusion;
Pulmonary embolism causes redistribution of blood in the lungs impairing ventilation/perfusion.there is ventilation/perfusion matching and gas exchange, pulmonary arterial gas pressure is elevated(PAP) by increasing pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR).
Changes in tidal volume and FEV1;
There will be increased in tidal volume and FEV1 (forced expiratory volume) as a result of shortness of breath and associated respiratory distress.