And in order to calculate the correlation coefficient we can use this formula:
Nowe we can find the means for x and y like this:
And we can find the intercept using this:
So the line would be given by:
c) The coefficient of variation is given by:
And we can conclude that 67.4% of the variation in y can be explainedby the corresponding variation in x and the least-squares line
d) For this case we just need to replade x = 34 into our model and we got:
For this case we have the following data:
x 13 34 52 28 50 25
y 1 4 5 5 9 3
Part a
And in order to calculate the correlation coefficient we can use this formula:
Part b
With these we can find the sums:
And the slope would be:
Nowe we can find the means for x and y like this:
And we can find the intercept using this:
So the line would be given by:
Part c
The coefficient of variation is given by:
And we can conclude that 67.4% of the variation in y can be explainedby the corresponding variation in x and the least-squares line
Part d
For this case we just need to replade x = 34 into our model and we got: