Shining lantern Magic beans
Step-by-step explanation:
I will explain the code line by line.
The first statement contains a string type variable magicPowers and second statement has an int type variable experienceLevel which is initialized by value 9.
Nested if statement are used and lets see which of those statements execute.
The first if statement checks if the value of experienceLevel is greater than 10. This statement evaluates to false because the value of experienceLevel is set to 9. Then the program control moves to the next if statement.
The second if statement checks if the value of experienceLevel is greater than 8. This if condition evaluates to true because the value of experienceLevel is 9. So this if statement is executed which contains the statement magicPowers = magicPowers + "Shining lantern "; . This means magicPowers stores the string Shining lantern.
The third if statement checks if the value of experienceLevel is greater than 2. As the value of experienceLevel is 9 so this condition also evaluates to true which means the statement magicPowers = magicPowers + "Magic beans "; is executed. This statement means magicPowers stores the string Magic Beans
You can use a print statement to display the output on the screen as:
Shining lantern Magic beans
The program along with the output is attached as a screenshot.