Answer:The average human is 4% animal, 96% human. The animal part relies on agriculture to provide food and minerals, and the growing of food and extraction of natural resources can be done by the totally unskilled, Currently for the world as a whole, less than 4% of GDP comes from agriculture. It is perennially overcrowded with too many unskilled people people overproducing too much food and pushing the relative price of food to less than 1/3 of the marginal cost of production. The production of 2.66 billion tons of food in 2018 against a requirement of 1.54 billion tons shows that there is severe overproduction of food, which is bound to earn severe penalty in the form of perpetual losses: by producing the food nobody needs, the peasant is making himself poorer.
the need is for the bulk of of the peasants to forget agriculture, move out to cities and pick up a job in housing construction. The overproduction of food goes with underproduction of homes. The rural slums of underdeveloped peasant communities do not have real homes fit for human habitation.
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