Completion of the Manager in Development program from the Club Managers Association of America is classified as a Strength in a SWOT analysis.
Step-by-step explanation:
When a Company is Conducting a Swot Analysis, it evaluates it Strengths, Weakness,Opportunities and Threats hence the Acronym SWOT.
Strengths : Is Something the entity is good at and giving it an important capability
Weakness: Absence of certain strength that the entity is supposed to inherit is viewed as weakness
Opportunities : Feature of the External Environment which creates positive potential for the entity in achieving its objectives
Threats : Changes to the external environment which presents a threat to the entity in achieving its objectives
By Completion of the Manager in Development program from the Club Managers Association of America , the Yatch Club will be competent in management aspects and that will be something the Yatch Club will be good at.Hence classified as a Strength