At the Battle of Seven Pines, Lee took command of the northern Virginia army.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Battle of Seven Pines took place on May 31 and June 1, 1862 during the Civil War.
On May 31, the Confederate Army of North Virginia under General Joseph E. Johnston attacked the IV Corps of the Potomac Army, which had deployed south of Chickahominy. Heavy rains the day before had made the small river impassable, so Johnston hoped to hit the opposing army's southern wing before reinforcements could come from the northern shore.
Because of coordination problems, the Confederate attack did not begin until around 3:00 p.m. They managed to throw the Union troops back a bit. A counterattack stopped the attack. At nightfall, the fighting ended in a tie. The attack was carried out again the next morning.
Among the casualties of the first day of fighting was General Johnston, who had to hand over command to Major General Gustavus Woodson Smith, seriously wounded. This led the army less than a day after President Davis appointed General Robert E. Lee as the new commander in chief of the Northern Virginia army.