4 votes
The purpose of this programming project is to demonstrate a significant culmination of most constructs learned thus far in the course. This includes Lists, Classes, accessors, mutators, constructors, implementation of Comparable, Comparator, use of Collections sort, iterators, properly accessing fields of complex objects, and fundamental File I/O.

You will create a LinkedList of Word objects using all the words found in the input file words.txt. A Word object contains 2 String fields; 1 to store a word in its normal form and the other to store a word in its canonical form. The canonical form stores a word with its letters in alphabetical order, e.g. bob would be bbo, cat would be act, program would be agmoprr, and so on. The class Word constructor has the responsibility of storing the normal form of the word in the normal form field and converting the normal form into the canonical form which is stored in the canonical form field (you should call a separate method for this conversion purpose).

Once all the words from the input file have been properly stored in a LinkedList of Word, you should use Collections to sort this list ascending alphabetically based on the canonical words by making the Word class Comparable.

Using an Iterator on the LinkedList of Word, create a 2nd list (new LinkedList) consisting of objects of a new class named AnagramFamily. AnagramFamily should contain at least 2 fields; 1 to hold a list of "Word" words that are all anagrams of each other (these should all be grouped together in the original canonical sorted list), and the 2nd field to store an integer value of how many items are in the current list. (Keep in mind, because the original list contains both the normal and canonical forms, as the AnagramFamily List will also have, a family of anagrams will all have the same canonical form with different normal forms stored in the normalForm field of the Word class). Each AnagramFamily List of Word should be sorted Descending by normal form using a Comparator of Word (if you insert Word(s) into a family one at a time, this presents an issue on how to get this list sorted as each Word insertion will require a new sort to be performed to guarantee the list is always sorted. For this reason it is best to form a list, sort it, and then create an AnagramFamily by passing the sorted list to it).

Sort the AnagramFamily LinkedList in descending order based on family size by use of a Comparator to be passed to the Collections sort method.

Next, output the top five largest families then, all families of length 8, and lastly, the very last family stored in the list to a file named "out6.txt." Be sure to format the output to be very clear and meaningful.

Finally, the first 4 people to complete the assignment should post their output results to the Canvas discussion forum for the remaining students to see the correct answer.

Be sure to instantiate new objects whenever transferring data from one object to another. Also, be sure to include various methods for manipulation and access of fields as well as helper methods to reduce code in main, such as the input/output of file data (like all other assignments, you will be graded on decomposition, i.e. main should not contain too many lines of code).

Part of your grade will depend on time. If written correctly (use of iterators and care taken when creating the anagram families), the running time should be less than 3 seconds. Programs that take longer will lose points based on the time. As encouragement to consider all options for speed, programs taking 1 minute will receive a 40 point deduction. Any longer than 3 minutes will receive only minimal points (10) for effort.

Though the basic algorithms involved are straight forward enough, there is a great deal of complexity involved with various levels of access to specific data. As mentioned before and never so importantly as with this assignment, start early and set a goal for completion by this weekend. Trust me, this is sound advice.

As a reminder, you will create at least 5 files: the driver, Word class, AnagramFamily class, and 2 comparators: 1 to compare Word objects for sorting descending based on the normal form of Word objects and 1 to compare AnagramFamily sizes for a descending sort.

1 Answer

3 votes


Java program explained below

Step-by-step explanation:

here is your files : ----------------------

Word.java : --------------

import java.util.*;

public class Word implements Comparable<Word>{

private String normal;

private String canonical;

public Word(){

normal = "";

canonical = "";


public Word(String norm){



public void setNormal(String norm){

normal = norm;

char[] arr = norm.toCharArray();


canonical = new String(arr);


public String getNormal(){

return normal;


public String getCanonical(){

return canonical;


public int compareTo(Word word){

return canonical.compareTo(word.getCanonical());


public String toString(){

return "("+normal+", "+canonical+")";



AnagramFamily.java : ------------------------------

import java.util.*;

public class AnagramFamily implements Comparable<AnagramFamily>{

private LinkedList<Word> words;

private int size;

private class WordComp implements Comparator{

public int compare(Object o1,Object o2){

Word w1 = (Word)o1;

Word w2 = (Word)o2;

return w2.getNormal().compareTo(w1.getNormal());



public AnagramFamily(){

words = new LinkedList<>();

size = 0;


public LinkedList<Word> getAnagrams(){

return words;


public void addAnagram(Word word){




public void sort(){

Collections.sort(words,new WordComp());


public int getSize(){

return size;


public int compareTo(AnagramFamily anag){

Integer i1 = new Integer(size);

Integer i2 = new Integer(anag.getSize());

return i2.compareTo(i1);


public String toString(){

return "{ Anagrams Family Size : "+size+" "+words.toString()+"}";



WordMain.java : ------------------------------

import java.util.*;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.PrintWriter;

public class WordMain{

public static void readFile(LinkedList<Word> words){


Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File("words.txt"));


words.add(new Word(sc.next()));



}catch(Exception e){





public static void findAnagrams(LinkedList<AnagramFamily> anagrams,LinkedList<Word> words){

Iterator<Word> itr = words.iterator();


Iterator<AnagramFamily> aitr = anagrams.iterator();

Word temp = itr.next();


boolean st = true;


AnagramFamily anag = aitr.next();

Iterator<Word> anags = anag.getAnagrams().iterator();


Word t1 = anags.next();

if(t1.compareTo(temp) == 0 && !t1.getNormal().equals(temp.getNormal())){


st = false;







AnagramFamily anag = new AnagramFamily();







public static void writeOutput(LinkedList<AnagramFamily> anagrams){


PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File("out6.txt"));


int i = 0;

Iterator<AnagramFamily> aitr = anagrams.iterator();

while(i < 5 && aitr.hasNext()){

AnagramFamily anag = aitr.next();





aitr = anagrams.iterator();

pw.println("\\\\AnagramsFamily size 8 datas : ");


AnagramFamily anag = aitr.next();


if(anag.getSize() == 8){





}catch(Exception e){





public static void main(String[] args) {

LinkedList<Word> words = new LinkedList<>();




LinkedList<AnagramFamily> anagrams = new LinkedList<>();






User Andyf
7.3k points