A reasonable hypothesis for the molecular basis of this disorder is defective dynein molecules in cilia and flagella.
Step-by-step explanation:
A hereditary condition called Kartagener's syndrome refrains cilia from clearing the respiratory tract of dirt and dust. The syndrome causes due to mutation in genes that are responsible for structure and function of cilia. Mutations may occur due to smoking which causes damage to cilia.
A defect in motor protein dyenin of cilia caused immotile cilia and hence frequent infections in lungs and respitratory problems.
The motility of sperm depends on the flagella. The disorder in flagella would make sperm immotile hence the sterility in males due to rare Kartagener syndrome.
Cytoskeletol motor protein called dyein move with the microtubules is found in flagella. The mutation in the protein would cause flagella gets defective or damage causing sterility in males.
The hypothesis is made based upon the results obtain by the mutations at molecular level; in cilia and flagella.