4th parallelogram is correct
you can find this answer by making use of ratios
the angles (112 ) should remain the same hence :
the second and third answer are incorrect
now lets look at the 1st and 4 th answer
IST paralleogram
the diagonal is 4.8 and horizontal is 6
now compare to the original by using ratios.. the ratios for both diagonal and horizontal should be the same for it to be correct
diagonal ratio = 5.8/4.8 = 1.21
horizontal ratio = 8/6= 1.33
both ratios are not the same hence INCORRECT
4TH parallelogram
the diagonal is 2.9 and horizontal is 4
now compare to the original by using ratios.. the ratios for both diagonal and horizontal should be the same for it to be correct
diagonal ratio = 5.8/2.9 = 2
horizontal ratio = 8/4 = 2
both ratios are the same. hence CORRECT
4TH parallelogram is correct