The answer to these questions can be defined as below:
Step-by-step explanation:
Question 1:
In the best case big-oh the bubble and selection sort is used, where bubble style simply swaps the items, whereas the sort of sorting takes place by choosing the element.
Question 2:
In the worst case, the merge and selection is used, where Merge-sort splits the list into two sub-lists equally and incessantly names itself in the sublists to still be sorted, whereas Heap-sort is an anti-recursive type.
Question 3:
In the worst case of swapping the bubble sort algorithm is used.
Question 4:
In sorts of swap selection, bubble, and quick sort is used.
Question 5:
Insertion sorts provide the shift sorts.
Question 6:
The best big-oh is o(n), in the worst case, best case complexity of different sorts are different.