The biodegradation reaction rate coefficient that must be achieved for the required concentration of exit stream = 0.003456 /day
Step-by-step explanation:
The lagoon can be treated as a continuously stirred tank reactor.
Let C₀ represent the initial concentration of the biodegradable organic material = 100 g/L = 100 g/m³
Let C be the concentration of biodegradable organic material that leaves the lagoon (reactor) = 20 mg/L = 20 g/m³
Let the rate constant be k
Let V be the volume of the lagoon = 10 hectares × 1 m = 100000 × 1 = 100000 m³
Let F₀ be the flowrate of influent into the first lagoon = 8640 m³/day
The performance equation for a CSTR with a first order reaction going on for the lagoon reactor
(kC₀V/F₀) = (C₀ - C)/C
(k×100×100000/8640) = (100-20)/20
k = (4×8640)/(100×100000) = 0.003456 /day