The answer options for this question are as follows:
a) Mostly a tangible good
b) Purely a tangible good
c) Mostly a service
d) Purely a service
The correct answer is c) Mostly a service
Step-by-step explanation:
Goods and services are goods, objects and activities that seek to meet the needs of people. These are the result of a productive process carried out by economic agents.
The SERVICE is the application of human or mechanical efforts to people, animals or objects. That is, they can be produced by people, such as dental services, or by a machine, such as the ATM service. They are intangible products, which cannot be perceived previously by the senses, that is, they cannot “feel” and, therefore, evaluate their quality or not, until they are used.
The main characteristics of the services are as follows:
- Intangibility: It is the main feature of the services, it is based on the fact that they cannot be tested, cannot be smelled or touched without making the purchase of it.
- Variability: The services are always different from each other there are never 2 equal services, the reason for this is that the delivery of the service is performed by a person or a staff in different places and times, when changing any of these aspects and the service does not is the same.
- Inseparability: The services provided are not separated from the one receiving the service, the process is simultaneous.