Program :
list_1=[]#take the empty list.
size=int(input("Enter the size of the list: "))#take the size of the list from the user
for x in range(size): #for loop which insert the elemnt on the list.
list_1.append(int(input("Enter the "+str(x+1)+" element of the list: ")))#take the user input and insert the element.
element=int(input("Enter the element to be searched: "))#it take the elemnt to search.
loc=1#intialize the location value.
for x in list_1:#for loop to check the element.
if(x==element): #check the element.
print(loc,end=", ")#print the location of the element.
print("The element is not present on the list")#print when elemnt are not present.
- If the user input 5 for the size and 1,2,3,4,5 for the list and 5 for the element, then it will print 5.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The above code is in python language which is used to take the size for the list, then take the value to add on the list.
- Then the element is entered from the user to search on the list.
- Then the element is searched on the list with the help of for loop.
- It prints the location when the element is matched.