(a) Check all of the following that are correct statements, where E stands for γmc2. Read each statement very carefully to make sure that it is exactly correct.
The definition K = E - mc2 is valid even for speeds near the speed of light.
The energy principle can be written Esys,f = Esys,i + Wsurr.
The definition of work is W = Fxdeltax + Fydeltay + Fzdeltaz.
At speeds close to the speed of light, kinetic energy is approximately equal to (1/2)mv2.
The definition of work is W = < Fxdeltax, Fydeltay, Fzdeltaz >.
The definition of work is W = |< Fxdeltax, Fydeltay, Fzdeltaz >|.
The energy principle can be written deltaEsys = Wsurr.
(b) An object with mass 70 kg moved in outer space. When it was at location < 14, -32, -7 > its speed was 11.5 m/s. A single constant force < 240, 400, -120 > N acted on the object while the object moved to location < 19, -40, -12 > m. What is the speed of the object at this final location?