The taxability of the damages received for each situation are:
A) $2,000,000 is Taxable
B) $50,000 is Taxable; $4,000 + $6,500 + $12,000 = $22,500 are Non Taxable
C) $20,000 + $150,000 + $200,000 = $370,000 is Taxable
Step-by-step explanation:
Taxable All punitive damages are taxable , so $2,000,000 shall be taxable because it cannot be stated as personal physical injures.
Taxable All punitive damages are taxable , so $50,000 from the lift manufacturer is taxable.
Non taxable are damages for pain & suffering $4,000. Damages for income loss $6,500. Medical expenses reimbursement $12,000 .
Taxable are Punitive damages are taxable so , $150,000 is taxable. Loss of business reputation is taxable , so $200,000 is taxable. $20,000 received for humiliation is taxable