1. False
2. True
3. False
Explanation: A manager is someone who manages the affairs of a business unit. managers has their own tools and technique to Analyse their decision before taking actions. The devil advocate is just like a second view to criticize. Before a mangers takes up a decision, he has already criticize it and understand the merit and demerit of such decision. From experience many organization does not practice this devil's advocate, instead everyone is allowed to contribute and criticize a decision before action is taken.
Mistake can actually be avoided by assigning a devil's advocate to an employee, because this person will want to research and discover all points that can be used to criticize such decision, and when such points are raised, precautions will be taken.
The best devil's advocate are not those reporting directly to the manager, but those reporting during the staff meetings. If a devil's advocate employee should report directly to the manager, such employee may be biased in it's report, because other staffs are not present.