Step-by-step explanation:
Answers varies . depend on the firms. Some firms use a straight numeric sequence code, because it is simple and can be assigned automatically by the system. Other firms choose a significant digit code that indicates item, style, color, and size. A code might assign two digits for the type of item (menshoes=10,womenshoes=20), a dependent number for the style, followed by several digits that show details such as color and size.
consider the following design for Working shoes
Item Product code
Men ,casual shoes,black,7 10-11-bl7
Men ,dress shoes,brown 8 10-22-br8
Women ,casual shoes,brown,7 20-11-br7
Women ,dress shoes,black,5 20-22-bl5
2. Write a brief memo to the marketing manager suggesting at least one alternative to the code she proposed, and state your reasons.
You should be able to support their choice of code with business-related logic and particular reasons
3. Suggest a code scheme that will identify each Working Shoes customer.
Two most commonly used code schemes are straight sequence codes automatically assigned by the system and codes that combine alphabetic and sequence blocks.
might be the first four alphabetic letters of the customer’s last name followed by a
4 to 6-digit dependent number. For example, Albert Einsten might be ALBE34212.
Many firms like this approach because it provides some indication of the customer’s
last name
4. Suggest a code scheme that will identify each specific order.
The order entry system automatically assigns order numbers dependently. If it is desirable to code the source of the order (such as W for Web-based, or T for telephone), you could devise a code that includes an identifying character for this purpose.