Initial program output (from original program)
Annual salary is: 40000
Monthly salary is: 3333
Program output after workHoursPerWeek = 35
Annual salary is: 35000
Monthly salary is: 2916
Revised program (using variable workWeeksPerYear)
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- int hourlyWage = 20;
- int workHoursPerWeek = 35;
- int workWeeksPerYear = 52;
- int annualSalary = 0;
- annualSalary = hourlyWage * workHoursPerWeek * workWeeksPerYear;
- System.out.print("Annual salary is: ");
- System.out.println(annualSalary);
- System.out.print("Monthly salary is: ");
- System.out.println((hourlyWage * workHoursPerWeek * workWeeksPerYear) / 12);
- return;
- }
Program output:
Annual salary is: 36400
Monthly salary is: 3033
Revised Program after introducing monthly salary
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- int hourlyWage = 20;
- int workHoursPerWeek = 35;
- int workWeeksPerYear = 52;
- int annualSalary = 0;
- int monthlySalary = 0;
- annualSalary = hourlyWage * workHoursPerWeek * workWeeksPerYear;
- monthlySalary = hourlyWage * workHoursPerWeek * workWeeksPerYear;
- System.out.print("Annual salary is: ");
- System.out.println(annualSalary);
- System.out.print("Monthly salary is: ");
- System.out.println((monthlySalary) / 12);
- return;
- }
Step-by-step explanation:
One reason to use variable to replace the magic number is to improve the readability of the program. If we compared the revised version of the program with the original program, we will find that the variable enable our code easier to understand.
Besides, if we wish to change the value (e.g. working hours per year or per month), we just need to adjust the value assigned on the variables. The variables provide a single access point to get or change the value.