I found the instructions for the exercise: Write statements of comparison based on the cues.
Question 1: La biblioteca tiene más sillas que el laboratorio de lenguas.
Question 2: Ramón compró tantas corbatas como Roberto.
Question 3: Yo comí un plato menos de pasta que mi hermano.
Question 4: Anabel durmió tantas horas como Amelia.
Question 5: Mi primo toma menos clases que mi amiga Tere.
Step-by-step explanation:
To complete this exercise, you have to write statements using comparisons of equality and comparisons of inequality in Spanish.
In questions 2 and 4, you have to use comparisons of equality, which are used to say that two nouns are equal to one another in some way. The structure used is: tantas + noun + como.
In questions 1, 3 and 5, you have to use comparisons of inequality, which are used when you want to show that the relationship between two things is unequal.
The structure used is:
más + adjective/adverb/noun + que
menos + adjective/adverb/noun + que