q = 16.366 W/m^2
L = 0.646m
Step-by-step explanation:
- The inside surface temperature T_i = 925 K
- The pipe surface temperature T_1 = 650 K
- The ambient temperature T_a = 300 K
- The outermost surface temperature = T_rw
- The thermal conductivity coefficient :
- Total thickness of the wall = 1.2 m
k = 0.0073*( 1 + 0.0054*T)
- The convection heat transfer coefficient h = 23 W / m^2K
How far from the hot surface should the pipe be located? What is the heat flux for the wall?
- The conduction through the wall is given by:
- Solve the above quadratic equation we get:
T_rw = 300.71 K
q = 16.366 W/m^2
- The pipe must be located where the surface temperature of 650 K can be maintained. Hence, we have: