C. Virtue
Step-by-step explanation:
Confucian political philosophy draws on virtue ethics. This means, that what good behaviour can only emerge from within individuals' natural morality. When people actions emerge from an internalised desire to do god to society, people will become good.
Shame and guilt play a key role in this system of ethics, as they prevent virtuous individuals to act badly. Shame is, from this perspective, an internal sense of duty which lead individuals to punish themselves, even before acting badly. Therefore virtue ethics are far stronger to reform society than law and external punishment that occurs after a bad action.
However, it is important to notice that for Confucius not everyone was able to be a virtuous individual. The masses could not self-govern and act with virtuosity.
Therefore virtuous individuals should be elected as rulers of society. They should strive for moral perfection at the personal and social level and should be charismatic enough to spread (as opposed to imposing) virtuosity among the masses.