A very simple C program is as follows:
#include <stdio.h> // for input output functions
int main()
printf("Name : John\\"); //display name
printf("Date of Birth : 05/02/1993\\"); //displays DOB
printf("Mobile Number: 98-7654321\\"); //displays mobile number
Step-by-step explanation:
Now if you want to take name, date of birth and number from user as input then you can use the following code:
#include <iostream> // for input output functions
using namespace std; // to identify objects like cin cout
/* The function named PersonalInfo that takes input from user and displays name, mobile number and data of birth on output screen */
void PersonalInfo(char name[],char birthdate[], char number[]){
//prompts user to enter name
cout<<"Please enter your name: "<<endl;
cin>>name; //stores name entered by the user
//prompts user to enter his dob in the format given in the bracket
cout<<"Please enter your birthdate (dd/mm/yyyy): "<<endl;
cin>>birthdate; //stores dob entered by the user
//prompts user to enter his mobile number in the given format
cout<<"Please enter your mobile number (xx-xxx-xxxxxxx): "<<endl;
cin>>number; //holds the digits entered by the user
cout<<"Your name is: "<<name<<endl; //displays name
cout<<"Your birthdate is:"<< birthdate<<endl; //displays date of birth
cout<<"Your mobile number is: "<<number<<endl; } //displays number
int main() //start of main() function body
{ char username[30],dob[30],phone[30];
/*three char type arrays that contain name of user in username, date of birth in dob and phone number in phone array */
PersonalInfo(username,dob,phone); } //calls function PersonalInfo()
Please enter your name: John
Please enter your birthdate (dd/mm/yyyy): 09/05/1993
Please enter your mobile number (xx-xxx-xxxxxxx): 91-123-4567890
Your name is: John
Your birthdate is: 09/05/1993
Your mobile number is: 91-123-4567890