The mystery behind the see-saw motion lies in force and genesis of counterforce.
Balanced Teeter totter can be achieved by placing equal masses or length adjustment (betwen pivot and mass) for varying mass.
Step-by-step explanation:
Teeter totter is a wonderful manifestation of physics principles in crude form.
The working of Teeter totter can be explained as-
The whole set-up (Teeter totter) is balanced on a pivot or fulcrum. When either of its edges/sides is loaded, it moves down under the impact of its mass & gravity (force=m*gravity).
Equal and opposite counterforce acts on the other end of the Teeter totter to balance the effect of the previously applied force. As a result of this, the other side is raised upwards in the air.
As a result of this the net force remains balanced on either side (considering similar masses are on both ends of the Teeter totter)
For a Teeter totter to be balanced there are two conditions-
- When both masses are same- When both sides are loaded with an equal mass, then eventually Teeter totter would come to rest by hanging midway.
- When both masses are different then the occupants need to adjust such way that the heavier mass is near to the pivot while lighter mass is at the edge.