
We can use the following excel code: "=F.INV(0.05,5,10)" and we got a = 0.21119
With R the code is:
> qf(0.05,5,10,TRUE)

We can use the following excel code: "=F.INV(0.95,5,10)" and we got b=3.326
The R code is:
> qf(0.95,5,10,TRUE)
Now for the last case we want to find two values a and b who accumulates 0.90 of the area on the middle so then we need
of the area on the tails and
of the area on each tail.
And the two values on this case are a=0.21119 and b =3.326
And we can check this using the following code: "=F.DIST(3.326,5,10,TRUE)-F.DIST(0.21116,5,10,TRUE)"
And we satisfy that

For this case we know that F follows a F distribution with parameters r1= 5 degrees of freddom for the numerator and r2= 10 degrees of freedom for the denominator.

First we want to calculate the value of a who satisfy:

We can use the following excel code: "=F.INV(0.05,5,10)" and we got a = 0.21119
With R the code is:
> qf(0.05,5,10,TRUE)
Then we want to calculate a value of b who satisfy:

We can use the following excel code: "=F.INV(0.95,5,10)" and we got b=3.326
The R code is:
> qf(0.95,5,10,TRUE)
Now for the last case we want to find two values a and b who accumulates 0.90 of the area on the middle so then we need
of the area on the tails and
of the area on each tail.
And the two values on this case are a=0.21119 and b =3.326
And we can check this using the following code: "=F.DIST(3.326,5,10,TRUE)-F.DIST(0.21116,5,10,TRUE)"
And we satisfy that