Answer: Nermatode.
It is cylindrical in shape.
It lack cillia or flagella.
It has one or two testis and the presence of spicules.
It is bilaterally symmetrical and tripoblastic.
It has body cavity of coelom.
It has amoebiod sperm cells.
The body walls muscles is longitudinal.
It exhibit tissue level of organization.
Step-by-step explanation:
Nermatodes are long thin worms also called round worms. They are unsegmented vermiform animals. Some are free living while others are parasitic. They are cylindrical in shape, have distinct alimentary canal, they moults periodically, they are tripoblastic, they are bilaterally symmetrical, their fertilization is internal and reproduction is sexual .
Unlike annelids, annelids are cylindrical but segmented.
Examples of Nermatodeinclude guinea worm, thread worm.