Set the password for user sgarcia to G20oly04.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the following lab, you have to complete the following tasks:
- Firstly, type the following command, su -c passwd sgarcia on the command prompt after that you have to click Enter to accomplish that task with an individual command.
- Then, type 1worm4b8 after that you have to click Enter to login credentials for just the root user.
- After that, type G20oly04 on command prompt after that again click Enter to allocate the new password to that of the user profile in the sgarcia.
- Again you have to type G20oly04, then click Enter key to verify the latest sgarcia user login details.
Note:- Would never use the usermod -p instruction for change the password, because that will collect the unencrypted details in the following directory.