Step-by-step explanation:
SAD-refers to a condition in which an individual is filled with perception that, the society will not welcome him, or he will be judged negatively or rejected by the society. Such individuals usually manifest anxiety and nervousness, fear and timidity Thus this affect everyday activities and functions. It usually begin at adolescence, (but rarely at childhood) this is because this is the period that peer group is very essential to formulate behavioural associations or groups.
The cause is both genetic and environmental, and it may be interaction between the two. Fluctuations in mood and emotion mediated hormone serotonin may be another causative factor. Besides over stimulation or over activity of anxiety, and emotion mediated part of the limbic system Amygdala is another factor.
Collectively the symptoms are anxiety, fear, poor interactions, withdrawal from the people, sweating, blank minds, inability to maintain eye contacts etc.
The correction is the blend of cognitive behavioural therapy and medication,
Step-by-step explanation: