Step-by-step explanation:
Gastroscopy should be recommended for the patient because . pernicious anemia is one of the risk factors of gastric cancer, due to inability of gastric epithelium lining to secret Intrinsic factor needed for Vit. B12 absorption from wall of the small intestine.
Therefore in order for the woman to avoid the risk, or to take early curative measures, Gastrocopy (endoscopy) should be recommended, it is the process of examining the lining of the stomach to find out if there is peptic cancer and to confirm its presence , it involve the use a narrow tube with microscopic lens at the end to send image signals to the monitor for vision.
Liver biospy has no correlation with the complication from pernicious anemia
Counting the RBC does not have any significant effects since these are not mature RBC they have no influence on the total RBC, thus this can not produce complication that will lead to gastric cancer.