Step-by-step explanation:
Flower is a shoot of limited growth,with much reduced internodes bearing sterile appendages like petals,sepals and fertile sporophylls(stamens and pistils)
They are grouped into
a)Monocot (b)Dicot
Monocot Flowers:These are Flowers with no secondary growth and parallel leaf vein. Examples of Monocot flowers are Monkey Orchid (Orchis simia), Spider Lily(Crinum asiaticum), Anthurium (Anthurium sp.)
Characteristics of Monocot Flowers:
a)Perianth not distinctly coloured
b)Petals or Tepals which are distinctly coloured
c) 3 or multiples of 3 petals or Tepals
d)No secondary growth
Dicot Flowers:A type of flowering characterized by it's two cotyledons,or pentamerous flowers,which undergo secondary growth. Examples of Dicot flowers include,Rose, Sunflower, Daisy flower.
Characteristics of Dicot flowers:
a)4-5 multiples of petals or Sepals
b)They have Petals and sepals which are distinctly coloured
c)They have Perianth with two whorls distinctly.
d)They undergo secondary growth