#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Employee
string name; // Employee name
string number; // Employee number
string hireDate; // Hire date
{ name = ""; number = ""; hireDate = ""; }
Employee(string aName, string aNumber, string aDate)
{ name = aName; number = aNumber; hireDate = aDate; }
void setName(string n)
{ name = n; }
void setNumber(string num)
{ number = num; }
void setHireDate(string date)
{ hireDate = date; }
string getName() const
{ return name; }
string getNumber() const
{ return number; }
string getHireDate() const
{ return hireDate; }
class ProductionWorker : public Employee
int shift; // The worker's shift
double payRate; // The worker's hourly pay rate
ProductionWorker() : Employee()
{ shift = 0; payRate = 0.0; }
ProductionWorker(string aName, string aNumber, string aDate,
int aShift, double aPayRate) : Employee(aName, aNumber, aDate)
{ shift = aShift; payRate = aPayRate; }
void setShift(int s)
{ shift = s; }
void setPayRate(double r)
{ payRate = r; }
int getShiftNumber() const
{ return shift; }
string getShiftName() const
{ if (shift == 1)
return "Day";
else if (shift == 2)
return "Night";
return "Invalid";
double getPayRate() const
{ return payRate; }
class TeamLeader : public ProductionWorker
double monthlyBonus; // Monthly bonus amount
double requiredTraining; // Required training hours
double completedTraining; // Completed training hours
void displayInfo(ProductionWorker);
void displayInfo(TeamLeader);
int main()
ProductionWorker pw("John Jones", "123", "1/1/2006", 2, 18.00);
/* remove the comment to enable
TeamLeader leader("John Jones", "123", "1/1/2006", 2, 18.00,
500.0, 20.0, 12.5);
return 0;
void displayInfo(ProductionWorker e)
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint;
cout << "Name: "
<< e.getName() << endl;
cout << "Employee number: "
<< e.getNumber() << endl;
cout << "Hire date: "
<< e.getHireDate() << endl;
cout << "Shift: "
<< e.getShiftName() << endl;
cout << "Shift number: "
<< e.getShiftNumber() << endl;
cout << "Pay rate: "
<< e.getPayRate() << endl;
void displayInfo(TeamLeader e)
/* enable this section to print
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint;
cout << "Name: "
<< e.getName() << endl;
cout << "Employee number: "
<< e.getNumber() << endl;
cout << "Hire date: "
<< e.getHireDate() << endl;
cout << "Shift: "
<< e.getShiftName() << endl;
cout << "Shift number: "
<< e.getShiftNumber() << endl;
cout << "Pay rate: "
<< e.getPayRate() << endl;
cout << "Monthly bonus: $"
<< e.getMonthlyBonus() << endl;
cout << setprecision(1);
cout << "Required training hours: "
<< e.getRequiredTraining() << endl;
cout << "Completed training hours: "
<< e.getCompletedTraining() << endl;
Hope it helps.