Answer: a. The black-scholes call price for 1 year is 0.
For 10 years it is also 0.
Option price did not change.
b. When δ is 0.001, the black-scholes call price for 1 year is 450.012.
For 10 years it is 450.0012.
The option price changed from 450.012 to 450.0012.
The difference was due to the change of δ value from 0 to 0.001.
Explanation: using the black-scholes equation below option price is callculated based on the given values.
By calculations the options prices were obtained for the first value of δ=0 both for 1 year and 10 years and compared with when the value of δ was changed to 0.001
A change in option price was also observed as the δ values changed this lead to the difference observed.