5 votes
Which of the following is (are) an accurate description of an implication of sexual reproduction (as in large animals like humans), in contrast to asexual reproduction (more common in microorganisms)?

Each gene will be associated with the specific other gene copies in one animal only very briefly; they will come to be present in genomes most of whose gene copies are different within a few generations.

The specific genotypes making up any one individual are unique combinations of allelic variation sampled from the species' gene pool, usually never to occur precisely again.

The logic of "purpose" in sexual animals is very different than for asexual animals; sexual animals evolve to replicate their species' collective design information (gene pool) while asexual evolve to replicate their own personal design information.

The logic of "purpose" in sexual animals is identical to that of asexual animals; each individual sexual or asexual organism evolves to replicate its own personal design information.

a., b., d.

b., c.


We used the origin of all the diverse contemporary dog breeds to learn lessons about evolution under selection. Which of the following is (are) an accurate statement of lessons we learned that are relevant to understanding the emergence of dog breeds?

Sexual gene pools contain lots of variation; some of this is cryptic variation, supporting the emergence of anatomies and behaviors that are not obvious in the immediate ancestor of a species (or dog breed).

Sexual gene pools contain lots of variation; thus, an animal lineage can change very rapidly if it is subjected to very strong directional selection.

Evolutionary change is inevitably very slow; as a result, dog breeds all trace their ancestor back many hundreds of thousands of years to different local wolf species around Eurasia.

a. and c.

a. and b.


We used the examples of the behaviors of leaf cutter ants, hog-nosed snakes, and cuckoo nest parasites to learn lessons about the sources of complex non-human animal adaptive behaviors. Which of the following is the most accurate and complete statement of what we learned from these cases?

Elaborate, detailed behaviors are usually produced in non-human animals entirely by individual experience, without a significant contribution from genetic design information or cultural learning.

Elaborate, detailed behaviors are usually produced in non-human animals entirely by genetic design information, without a significant contribution from individual experience or cultural learning.

Elaborate, detailed behaviors are usually produced in non-human animals entirely by cultural learning, without a significant contribution from genetic design information or individual experience.

There is no specific rule for the origins of elaborate, detailed adaptive behaviors in non-human animals; all animal behavior depends on cultural learning, genetic design information, and individual experience.


We explored adult male infanticide in African lions in order to learn more about the ultimate causal logic of this behavior and of non-human animal social behavior more generally. Which of the following is the most accurate and complete statement of this ultimate logic?

Infanticidal male lions are more likely to transmit copies of their personal design information in all social contexts wherein they find themselves.

Male lion infanticide evolves because it is likely to increase the average fitness of the local lion population by eliminating less fit individuals.

Infanticidal male lions are more likely to transmit copies of their personal design information in the specific circumstances where they are in head-to-head competition with non-infanticidal males lions.

Male lion infanticide occurs because individual males' evolved minds find this behavior highly gratifying.


We explored the simple logic of "kin selection," a process central to understanding non-human animal social behavior (and some human behaviors, as we will shortly see). Which of the following is the most accurate and complete statement about the ultimate causal logic of kin selection? [Note that more than one answer might be a true statement without being the best answer to the specific question asked.]

Kin selection results in the optimal level of cooperation for the benefit of the species of the animals engaging in such cooperation.

Kin-selective cooperation creates a situation in which two pieces of information that are recent copies of one another can mutually assist in each other's ongoing replication.

Kin selection results in the optimal level of cooperation for the benefit of the gene pool represented by the animals engaging in such cooperation.

Kin-selective cooperation creates a situation in which two individuals who are members of the same closely related family mutually assist each other's ongoing reproduction.

1 Answer

3 votes

Answer no 1)

The correct option is f) b, c

Step-by-step explanation:

By the method of sexual reproduction, every organism on the earth acquires a gene pool or allelic variations which make him/her different from other organisms. The specific genotype is destined for the specific individual only and no other individual will ever acquire the exact similar genotype. Sexual reproduction is the means by which genetic variations can be produced among parents and offsprings whereas asexual reproduction is the method by which organisms with similarities are produced.

Answer No 2

The correct options are a,c

Step-by-step explanation:

Cryptic genetic variations can be described as a type of variations which arise from a genetic variation that does not contribute to the normal range of phenotypes observed in a population, but that is available to modify a phenotype that arises after environmental change or the introduction of novel alleles. Although evolution is an obvious phenomenon, yet the process of evolution is very slow and takes a lot of time.

Answer No 3)

The correct option is d) There is no specific rule for the origins of elaborate, detailed adaptive behaviors in non-human animals; all animal behavior depends on cultural learning, genetic design information, and individual experience.

Step-by-step explanation:

Non-humans animals learn some of their adaptive behaviours due to their genetic make up. Both the environment and the genetic make up of the non-human animals is essential in predicting the adaptive behaviour of an animal. Animals also tend to behave by copying other organisms of the same species or by learning from individual experiences. Hence, the correct option is d.

Answer No 4

The correct option is B) Male lion infanticide evolves because it is likely to increase the average fitness of the local lion population by eliminating less fit individuals.

Step-by-step explanation:

Infanticide can be described as a phenomenon in which a parent, either male or female, kills his/her own child due to certain reasons.

Infanticide reduces intraspecific competition and also increases the parental investment afforded to their own young, and allows females to become fertile faster. Hence, the correct option is B.

Answer No 5)

The correct option is a,c


Kin selection results in the optimal level of cooperation for the benefit of the gene pool represented by the animals engaging in such cooperation. Kin selection results in the optimal level of cooperation for the benefit of the species of the animals engaging in such cooperation.

Kin selection is the evolutionary strategy that favours the reproductive success of an organism's relatives, even at a cost to the organism's own survival and reproduction.

User Katelyn Gadd
7.5k points