a. The price of comparable Florida orange juice decreases.
a-a This would shift left and affect demand.
b. One hundred new fruit juice processing plants open in California.
b-a This would shift Right and affect demand
c. The price of a bottle increases significantly due to new government anti-shatter regulations.
c-a This would shift left and affect Demand
d. Researchers discover a new fruit juice processing technology that reduces production costs.
d-a This would shift right and affect demand
e. The average age of consumers increases, and younger people drink less orange juice
e-a This would shift left and affect demand
Step-by-step explanation:
A state of market where market supply is equal to market demand thus understood as "market equilibrium". The price of equilibrium is the price of a good or service, if its supply is equal to the market demand for it.
A reduction in demand will trigger the price of the equilibrium to fall; the amount delivered will decrease. An increase in supply, unmodified for all other things, will provoke the price of equilibrium to fall; the amount requested will increase. While declining supply will cause the price of the equilibrium to rise; the demanded quantity will decrease.