Final answer:
To encrypt the plaintext sendmoremoney with the key stream 9 0 1 7 23 15 21 14 11 11 2 8 9, we use the Vigenère cipher. The encrypted ciphertext is ZSVPYQPAIHZWC. To find the key that decrypts the ciphertext cashnotneeded, we apply the reverse process of the Vigenère cipher.
Step-by-step explanation:
To encrypt the plaintext sendmoremoney with the key stream 9 0 1 7 23 15 21 14 11 11 2 8 9, we will use the Vigenère cipher. The Vigenère cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher that uses a keyword to determine the shifting of each letter in the plaintext. Each letter in the keyword corresponds to a number from 0 to 26, which represents the shift. For example, 'A' is shift 0, 'B' is shift 1, and so on. To encrypt, we can follow these steps:
- Convert the plaintext into its corresponding numerical representation. For example, A=0, B=1, C=2, and so on.
- Add the corresponding number from the key stream to each numerical representation of the letters in the plaintext.
- Take the modulo 26 of each sum to ensure it falls within the range of 0-25.
- Convert the resulting numbers back into their corresponding letters using the reverse mapping.
Using this process, we can encrypt the plaintext sendmoremoney with the key stream 9 0 1 7 23 15 21 14 11 11 2 8 9 to obtain the ciphertext ZSVPYQPAIHZWC.
To find a key that decrypts the given ciphertext ZSVPYQPAIHZWC into the plaintext cashnotneeded, we can use a similar process in reverse:
- Convert the ciphertext into its corresponding numerical representation.
- Subtract the corresponding number from the key stream from each numerical representation of the letters in the ciphertext.
- Take the modulo 26 of each difference to ensure it falls within the range of 0-25.
- Convert the resulting numbers back into their corresponding letters using the reverse mapping.
By applying this process to the given ciphertext ZSVPYQPAIHZWC, we can find a key that decrypts it to the plaintext cashnotneeded.