Final answer:
The pseudocode represents a program to calculate employee net pay after deductions. Translated examples in both C++ and Python follow the provided logic, handling user inputs and conditions to display the calculated net pay or error messages where deductions are not covered.
Step-by-step explanation:
The pseudocode provided is intended to calculate and display the net pay for employees after a standard deduction of $45. If the employee's gross income is not enough to cover the deduction, an error message will be displayed. To demonstrate this logic in popular programming languages, let's write complete code in C++ and Python.
Example in C++:
\ C++ code example
using namespace std;
int main() {
const double DEDUCTION = 45.0;
string name;
double hours, rate, net;
cout << "Enter first name or ZZZZ to quit: ";
while (cin >> name && name != "ZZZZ") {
cout << "Enter hours worked for " << name << ": ";
cin >> hours;
cout << "Enter hourly rate for " << name << ": ";
cin >> rate;
net = hours * rate - DEDUCTION;
if (net > 0) {
cout << "Net pay for " << name << " is " << net << endl;
} else {
cout << "Deductions not covered. Net is 0." << endl;
cout << "Enter next name or ZZZZ to quit: ";
cout << "End of job" << endl;
return 0;
Example in Python:
\ Python code example
name = input("Enter first name or ZZZZ to quit: ")
while name != "ZZZZ":
hours = float(input(f"Enter hours worked for {name}: "))
rate = float(input(f"Enter hourly rate for {name}: "))
gross = hours * rate
net = gross - DEDUCTION
if net > 0:
print(f"Net pay for {name} is {net}")
print("Deductions not covered. Net is 0.")
name = input("Enter next name or ZZZZ to quit: ")
print("End of job")