473,400 L/h
For an incompressible cake and negligible medium resistance, we can find the volume of filtrate collected using the following equation:
: is the volume of filtrate collected
A: is the filtration area
: is the cake formation time = 20 s
ΔP: is the vacuum pressure = 80 kPa
μ: is the viscosity = 5 cP
α: is the specific cake resistance = 1x10¹¹ cm/g
ρ: is the cake solid per volume of filtrate = 15 g/L
First, we need to convert the units:
Now, we need to find the filtration area (A), which is equal to a cylinder area:
where r: is the radius = 8/2 m and h: is the height of the side = 12 m.
Now, we can calculate the volume of filtrate using equation (1):
Finally, we can calculate the filtration rate in volumes/hr:
I hope it helps you!