title ('Graph of Speed agaist Distance');
xlabel('Distace in miles');
ylabel('Speed in miles per hour');
x = 0: 0.01:2;
u = 2* log10(60*x + 1);
plot (x,u);
hold on
v = 2* cosd (6*x);
plot (x,v)
grid on
#Define the title of the plot
title ('Graph of Speed against Distance');
#Define both the x-axis ad y-axis label of the plot
xlabel('Distance in miles');
ylabel('Speed in miles per hour');
#Define the what each plot sigifies
#Define the x-axis range of the plot
x = 0: 0.01:2;
#Define the function u and plot it on the graph
u = 2* log10(60*x + 1);
plot (x,u);
#allow another plot to be on the same graph
hold on
#Define the function v and plot it on the graph
v = 2* cosd (6*x);
plot (x,v)
#make the grid visible
grid on