Ustedes van a levantarse temprano. - Ustedes se levantarán temprano
Yo voy a sacudir los muebles. - Yo sacudiré los muebles
Álvaro y Esteban nos van a enviar un paquete. - Álvaro y Esteban nos enviarán un paquete
Tú no vas a leer ese libro. - Tú no leerás ese libro
Nosotros nos vamos a acostar después de la película. - Nosotros nos acostaremos después de la película
Step-by-step explanation:
In this activity we have to rewrite the sentences from the informal future (ir a + verb) to the simple future.
1. Se levantarán is the conjugated form of the reflexive verb levantarse (to get up) in simple future 2nd person plural Ustedes (you plural)
2. Sacudiré is the conjugated form of the verb sacudir (to shake) in simple future 1st person singular Yó (I)
3. Enviarán Sacudiré is the conjugated form of the verb enviar (to send) in simple future 3rd person plural Ellos (They)
4. Leerás is the conjugated form of the verb leer (to read) in simple future 2nd person singular Tú (you)
5. Nos acostaremos is the conjugated form of the reflexive verb acostarse (to lay down) in simple future 1st person plural Nosotros (We)