5 dates
The date of 01-03-05 is the first date to with the characteristics in the 21st century. Therefore, we will count it as one of the dates with the odd attributes. We continue from there to get the consecutive dates for of the month from January to December for the hundred years in the 21st century as follows:
(1) 01-03-05 (i.e. 01 March 2005)
(2) 03-05-07 (i.e. 03 May 2007)
(3) 05-07-09 (i.e. 05 July 2009)
(4) 07-09-11 (i.e. 07 September 2011)
(5) 09-11-13 (i.e. 09 November 2013)
No other dates have the property apart from the ones listed above.
Therefore, 5 days have the dates expressed on the form dd-mm-yy with the feature in the 21st century.